Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ruby's 'Ruff' Trot!

I have a story to tell you about my beautiful red Huskie Ruby (she is on the left, and that's Nooka on the right).

Ruby was my dog, she loved me and only me and always misbehaved for Mark... unlike Nooka, who is the exact opposite. She loves Mark and can be a little naughty for me.
Unfortunately, last year Ruby passed away.
Devastated, Mark and I decided to have cremated so we could keep her forever. We now have her ashes in a wooden box
Ruby lived on our tiered coffee table for awhile - when one day Mark got in while I was out and did the vacuuming. As he vacuumed, Mark hit the coffee table which accidentally collapsed! Everything fell in smashing to the ground... when all of a sudden to Mark's horror - there was a sandy gritty matter scattered EVERYWHERE... Horrified, Mark got the dustpan and ever so carefully started scooping up the remains - wondering how he was going to tell me what had happened... Poor Ruby...
.... No not really :-) I had a candle in a vase next to her, that had some sand and grit in the bottom of it. Ruby was still safe, sound and concealed in her box.
Needless to say though - she now lives on top of Mark's book shelf - out of harms, and the vacuum's way.

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